Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rendez-vous à Paris

Maria Yuryevna Sharapova’s two-year doping ban has been reduced from two years to 15 months following her appeal to the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport), allowing the Russian to return to tennis just in time for the French Open next year. “I’ve gone from one of the toughest days of my career last March when I learned about my suspension to now, one of my happiest days, as I found out I can return to tennis in April”, Maria Yuryevna said. “I have taken responsibility from the very beginning for not knowing that the over-the-counter supplement I had been taking for the last 10 years was no longer allowed. But I also learned how much better other federations were at notifying their athletes of the rule change, especially in eastern Europe where Mildronate is commonly taken by millions of people”.

Maria Yuryevna Sharapova
Photo: peoples.ru

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