Saturday, December 10, 2016

Costanza amid Mado Flynn’s flowers

Costanza Sforzellini, Danseuse Étoile of Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”, standing amid Mado Flynn’s flowers.

And here is Costanza Sforzellini (standing in the back row, first from the left) casting and performing in the production “A Grande Encuentro De Tango X Omaggio a Tita Merello”, staged at Circolo Scherma Firenze Raggetti in Florence from 2 to 7 December. Photo courtesy of Costanza Sforzellini.

In addition, Costanza teaches Tango every Wednesday 21,00–23,00 at Circolo Ricreativo Culturale Oreste Ristori, Via Limitese 13, 50059 Spicchio–Sovigliana (Florence). For further information, please contact her at

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