Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Importance Of Not Being Immortal

Only time will tell if the ideological restrictions imposed on art, culture and sport to safeguard public health from COVID-19 will work, or if instead the good intentions of the political and scientific potentates will turn into a disaster of biblical proportions. Once again, the melodramatic rhetoric of the locked down ones, lined up like silhouetted scarecrows “through the Zooming-glass”, will smash against a mountain of ignorance. Whatever your hashtag is, the anti-virus world government simply does not care, because you exist only in a virtual world, while in the meantime the real world is being transformed into a global prison hospital where you can only live fearing death all the time. So don’t think you can get away with a passphrase such as “I live of dance”, especially if your life is now a non-autobiographical broadcast on Zoom. No one can live only of dance. You need music. You need friends. You need teachers. You need mirrors. You need barres. You need shoes. You need dressing rooms. You need theatres. You need stages. You need audiences. You need applause. You need physical and spiritual nourishment just as birds need to fly. And, of course, you need good health too! So don’t forget to turn off your cellphone when entering an auditorium, library, theatre, worship hall, or any other place where people get inspired for life.

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