Friday, May 1, 2009

Cell 202

In an interview with Filipino Grandmaster Eugene Torre for Bombo Radyo on August 21, 2004, although held in a Japanese jail cell, 11th World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer was still firmly of the opinion that his new chess were far better than the older ones:

No, I don’t play chess anymore, I play Fischerandom. It is a much better game, more challenge. Chess is a dead game, it is played out. Fischerandom is a version of chess that I developed or invented, you could say, where you shuffle the back row of the pieces, not the Pawns. Each side has an identical shuffle, so that everything is symmetrical, just like in the old chess. There are just a couple of rules: one Rook has to be to the left of the King, one has to be to the right of the King, one Bishop has to be on a light-coloured square, and one on a dark-coloured square. That’s basically it. You can learn the rules in two minutes. It’s a great game, and can become the standard for chess