Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Rockin’ in the Free World
Russia’s top military officials holding a press conference
Photo: AFP

At a briefing today the Deputy Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov unveiled satellite image proof that Turkey is benefiting from ISIS oil trade and vehemently accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s family of being involved in the “criminal business”. “We know the price of Erdoğan’s words. Turkish leaders won’t step down and they won’t acknowledge anything even if their faces are smeared with the stolen oil”, Antonov said.
Instead, Erdoğan denied any involvement in oil trade with the ISIS, and said earlier that he would resign if Russia prove its accusations.
Nella lotta all’Isis tutto sembra chiaro: da una parte la civiltà moderna, dall’altra il terrore oscurantista. Nessuna via di mezzo. Ma è veramente così? Per esempio ci si può fidare fino in fondo delle intenzioni di Turchia e Qatar? E non è che gli stessi Stati Uniti abbiano in qualche modo concorso ad armare formazioni terroristiche in Siria? [Read more].

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