Tuesday, January 5, 2016

La Buena Estrella (The Lucky Star)

Karen H. Grigoryan – Andrea Stella
4th Torneo Internacional de Navidad “Ciudad de Lorca”; Lorca, December 29, 2015
English Opening A27

1. c4 g6 2. e4 e5 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. d4 exd4 5. Nxd4 Nc6 6. Nc2 d6 7. Nc3 Nge7 8. Be2 0-0 9. h4!? Very bold strategy on White’s part. For 9. 0-0 f5 see Mikenas – Estrin, Leningrad 1971. 8. ... f5 10. h5 f4

11. hxg6. White plays consistently in order to build up his attack. Consideration deserved, however, 11. Nd5 g5 12. h6! Be5 13. Rb1 a5! with very unclear play. 11. ... Nxg6 12. Qd5+ Rf7 13. Qh5 Bxc3+! It’s the right move at the right time. Black’s King will never be in danger, while White will have to deal with his own weaknesses and strive for saving the day. 14. bxc3 Qf6 15. Bb2 Nce5 16. f3 c5 17. Rd1 Bd7 18. Na3 a6 19. Bc1 Ba4 20. Rd2 Kf8 21. Qh6+ Ke8 22. Rh5 Bd7 23. Qg5 Qxg5 24. Rxg5 Ke7 25. Rb2 Rb8 26. Nb1 Be6 27. Nd2 Kd7 28. Kf2 Kc7 29. Rb1 Rh8 30. Rh5 Rg8 31. Ba3 b6 32. Rbh1 Rgg7 33. Bc1 Kc6 34. Rg5 Rf8 35. Rgh5 Rff7 36. Rg5 Rf8 37. Rgh5 Rff7 38. Rg5 ½ : ½.

From left: Italian International Master Andrea Stella is glad of his much deserved first Grandmaster norm, and Jonas Bjerre (11-year-old) can be happy with his first International Master norm. Photo © Torneo Internacional de Navidad “Ciudad de Lorca”.

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