Sunday, October 7, 2018


Dicere de Libycis reduci tibi gentibus, Afer,
continuis volui quinque diebus Have:
“Non vacat” aut “dormit” dictum est bis terque reverso.
Iam satis est: non vis, Afer, havere: vale.

When, Afer, you returned from Libya home,
Five times I sought to welcome you to Rome.
“He’s busy, he sleeps”, five times I heard & fled:
You want no welcome: well, good-bye instead.

Per cinque dì di seguito, poiché dalle genti di Libia
sei ritornato, o Afro, volli darti il buongiorno.
Son tornato due volte, tre volte. “Impegnato”. È a dormire”.
Basta oramai. Il buon giorno, Afro, non vuoi? Buonanotte!

Martial, Epigrams, Book 9, VI
English translation by A. L. Francis and H. F. Tatum
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

Photo elaboration by South Korean illusion artist Dain Yoon (윤다인), which she herself captioned: “When I look at you”. Photo: Dain Yoon (@designdain).

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