Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Profecit poto Mithridates saepe veneno,
toxica ne possent saeva nocere sibi.
Tu quoque cavisti cenando tam male semper,
ne posses umquam, Cinna, perire fame.

Drug-proof old Mithridates grew
By frequent poisonous potation.
So with spare diet, Cinna, you
Ensure yourself against starvation.

Mitridate il velen bevendo spesso
preservava dal tossico sè stesso.
Tu pur, Cinna, il digiun sì spesso osservi,
che dal morir di fame ti preservi.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 5, LXXVI
English translation by W. T. Webb
Italian translation by Paolo Magenta

Picture shows the sneakers of a girl next to her pony’s hooves as they wait for clients during a fresh autumn day in a park in Kiev, Ukraine. Photo: AFP/Sergei Supinsky.

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