Monday, January 11, 2016

Objet petit a

王菲 (Wáng Fēi)

几步之遥 一生距离
风欲静 而心不息
后会有期 却无爱可纪
相濡以沫 空留一口气

死而有憾 因得一知己

反正死别 不如生离
命在这 运在哪里
灵魂有意 而肉身麻痹
唇离齿太远 触不可及

命和运太远 爱不可及

Unattainable Love
王菲 (Wáng Fēi)

Just one step away from life
The wind is quiet, but the heart is flooding
I hope to meet you again, but love is not transcendent
One last breath is all we have to share

A life spent listening to familiar words
But not enough time to say together again
It’s too late to be content with less
A deep regret for what might have been

We met and we parted without dying
Life fleeing nowhere
The soul longs but the body is stunned
The lips now too far from the teeth

Unattainable love
Love and life fleeing away

(Very free translation by 洛伦佐)

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