Saturday, November 12, 2016

Reference and Existence

Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov: “Karjakin suffers from a ‘Kasparov complex’”. For further details, see

“Since it’s a short match, Karjakin has greater chances of becoming World Chess Champion than in a classical long-match title”, 12th World Chess Champion Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov told Izvestia on November 11, 2016. “Of course, many factors favour Carlsen. The Norwegian defeated Anand twice in World Chess Championship matches, which gives him invaluable experience. Furthermore, he is able to play any position, with and without advantage. He is able to outplay his opponents in apparently lifeless games as he proved on countless occasions. Sergey Alexandrovich suffers from a ‘Kasparov complex’. If he doesn’t manage to get an advantage from the opening, he will offer a draw. This is not the right approach to chess. It happens to Grandmasters who undertake deep theoretical preparation without being psychologically prepared for the fact that sometimes it is necessary to play equal positions with White as well. I thought that Sergey Alexandrovich would have climbed up to the top more quickly. He came to his first World Championship match through exciting adventures. I hope that his luck will continue”.

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