Thursday, December 6, 2018

Venus as Muse

Effert uxores Fabius, Chrestilla maritos,
funereanque toris quassat uterque facem.
Victores committe, Venus: quos iste manebit
exitus, una duos ut Libitina ferat.

Fabius buries his wives, Chrestilla her husbands,
And each of them waves the funeral torch over a marriage-bed.
Match the victors, Venus; this is the end that will await them —
One funeral to convey the pair.

Fabio sotterra le mogli, sotterra Crestilla i mariti;
e sul letto ambedue squassan la funebre face.
I vittoriosi congiungi, o Venere, ché Libitina
con un sol funerale li porti via tutt’e due.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 8, XLIII
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

Artwork by Banksy

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