Sunday, December 31, 2023

Looking for Peace

A fox runs away from barking dogs in Tunceli, Turkey. Photo: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images.


Ulises said...

The Jinchuang book mall is so impressive 😯!

Lorenzo said...

Really a book megalopolis: a whole lifetime may be not long enough to take a look at all the shelves! Such dimensions are unthinkable here, where both small and large bookshops usually struggle to survive.

Ulises said...

I live in Argentina, and the largest bookstore here is El Ateneo Grand Splendid.

Fortunately, I live quite close, so I can visit it frequently.

While it is considered the biggest one in South America, it cannot possibly compare to those found in the major cities of China.

Of course, it's a very rare style of bookstore; most are quite tiny, and they face significant challenges here.

Lorenzo said...

Oh, I saw... very impressive! It is like a monument to arts and culture. As far as I saw during my trips in China (now quite a long time ago), they have nothing of the kind there. Their bookshops have a more modern imprint and, as everywhere — but there, even more than elsewhere — they also serves as libraries.
You are very lucky that you have such an oasis of peace and inspiration! In Florence, there is no such such monumental book depositories, but still are left two or three large bookstores (Feltrinelli and Libraccio come to mind), and I, too, am lucky enough to be able to walk there whenever I can.

Ulises said...

I just saw Florence through a couple of photos, and wow, what a majestic city!

I might have to put my Italian citizenship and passport to good use.

Lorenzo said...

You're welcome.

Ulises said...

Oh, and happy new year!

Lorenzo said...

Happy New Year to you!