Friday, January 10, 2014

柿子树 (Diospyros kaki)

Diospyros kaki is one of the oldest tree fruits cultivated by man, known for its use in China for more than 2000 years. The fruit is called 柿子 (shìzi) in Chinese, while the tree is called 柿子树 (shìzǐshù). Its first botanical description dates back to 1780.
It is originary from the colder areas of central-southern China as instead it grows poorly a hot and humid climates. It being also called Oriental Apple, was labeled by ancient Chinese scholars as the Tree with Seven Virtues: it lives long; it provides shade; there is no bird’s nest; it is not wormy; its autumn leaf can be used for play; it can give joy to guests; and, last but not least, its fallen leaf is big and can be used to write on. From China, it spread to Korea and Japan subsequently. Caption & photo: 林丽丽 (Lín Lìlì).

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