Thursday, April 14, 2016

Big Jim Golden Commander
The online community hosted on Reddit is where men go to air their toxic views about women. Stephen Marche aims to find out if The Red Pill is perpetuating a culture of hatred – or if it’s just a place to vent

How shitty are men really? The question hung in the air, invisible but omnipresent, like the smell of a garbage fire from a nearby town. By 2016, a series of catchphrases had come to dominate the chaotic state of gender politics – “male privilege”, “rape culture”, “men’s rights” – but confusion reigned. And in the middle of this confusion, a group of anonymous men retreated to The Red Pill, an online community hosted on Reddit, to revel in their loathing.
Pablo Picasso’s portrait of Lee Miller (1937). Copyright Succession Picasso/DACS, London 2015.

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