Thursday, September 21, 2017

When the ship docked on the Thames River

I never knew that Italian chess Master Roberto Cosulich had ever played a tournament in England. Apparently, it happened in 1965, the year when he and his family (his father was a ship’s captain) came back to Italy from South America, where he had learned to play chess — quite well — from German Argentine Grandmaster Hermann Pilnik. According to the BritBase website, Cosulich took part in one of the minor tournaments (Premier Reserves A) of the 16th Whitsun Chess Congress, held in Ilford, a district of east London, from June 4–7 June 1965.
Here is the final ranking of the tournament: 1°) Raymond D. Keene 3½; 2°) T. Goodhill, 3; 3°-4°) K. W. Lloyd, George W. Wheeler 2½; 5°) Andrew J. Whiteley 2; 6°) Roberto Cosulich (Santiago, Chile) 1½. None of his games are given.
He would have achieved the national Master title the following year.

AngryNakedNinja, Thames. Courtesy of AngryNakedNinja.

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