Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Intuitionistic logic

Nullos esse deos, inane caelum
affirmat Segius: probataue, quod se
factum, dum negat haec, videt beatum.

“The skies are empty
And the gods are dead”,
Says Segius, the proof of which
Is that he sees himself made rich.

“Non ci sono gli dèi, il cielo è vuoto”
dice Segio. Egli stesso lo comprova,
perché, ciò non ostante, ha ereditato.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 4, XXI
English translation by Peter Porter
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

A 30-year study led by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDC) with the universities of St Andrews and Exeter found dolphins in Adelaide, South Australia learned tail-walking from a fellow creature called Billie, who spent time in a dolphinarium after being rescued from a polluted creek in January 1988. Billie learned tail-walking by observing the performing dolphins and, when released, began performing the trick regularly in the wild. Photo: Dr. Mike Bossley/University of St Andrews/PA.

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