Friday, August 31, 2018

Universal Format for Authorities

Non de vi neque caede nec veneno,
sed lis est mihi de tribus capellis:
vicini queror has abesse furto.
Hoc iudex sibi postulat probari:
tu Cannas Mithridaticumque bellum
et periuria Punici furoris
et Sullas Mariosque Muciosque
magna voce sonas manuque tota.
Iam dic, Postume, de tribus capellis.

It’s not a case of poisoned cup,
Assault, or slitting throats;
I’ve had to have my neighbour up
For stealing my three goats.
You dwell on Punic faith and fury,
Pontic wars, and Cannaes
But this they’re asking on the jury,
“Prove he stole the nannies”.
And now with gestures various
You’ve told in ringing notes
Of Sulla, Mucius, Marius,
Please mention my three goats.

Non sono in lite per veleno o sangue,
ma solamente per le tre caprette
onde accuso di furto il mio vicino.
Di ciò la prova ti domanda il giudice:
tu Canne, e poi la guerra mitridatica,
e gli spergiuri della rabbia punica,
e i Silla, e i Marii, e i Mucii, a gran voce
e con gran gesti numerando vai.
Postumo, sù, parliam delle caprette.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 6, XIX
English translation by Thomas W. Melluish
Italian translation by Giuseppe Lipparini

Silicone pleasure dolls at the 11th Asia Adult Expo, which was held in 香港 (Hong Kong), China from August 28–30, 2018, featuring about 200 brands and exhibitors from all over the world. Photo: ANSA.

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