Tuesday, December 1, 2020

混合现实 (Mixed Reality)

The 2nd “一带一路” (“One Belt One Road”) Women’s World Chess Summit is to start on December 4, 2020, the participants being (in alphabetical order): Zhansaya Daniyarovna Abdumalik, Ekaterina Atalik, Nana Dzagnidze, 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán), Sarasadat Khademalsharieh, 雷挺婕 (Léi Tǐngjié), Mariya Olehivna Muzychuk, Antoaneta Stefanova, 谭中怡 (Tán Zhōngyí), and 赵雪 (Zhào Xuě).
The format is a mixed reality mode, with the Chinese participants seated offline in the 西安市铁一中学 (Xī’ān Tiěyī Middle School) in 西安 (Xī’ān), 陕西省 (Shǎnxī province), China, and all others outside in their countries being brought in by the Internet (via chess.com). The tournament is a 9 rounds single round-robin with time control of 15 minutes plus 5 seconds per move.

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