Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wonder Man

Et delator es et calumniator,
et fraudator es et negotiator,
et fellator es et lanista. Miror
quare non habeas, Vacerra, nummos.

You are an informer and a backbiter,
And you are a cheat and a pimp,
And you are a foul rascal and a master of gladiators.
I wonder why you are not rich, Vacerra.

Sei un delatore e un calunniatore,
un intrallazzone e un pappone,
un lacchè e un centurione.
Mi meraviglio, Vacerra, che tu non abbia un soldo.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 11, LXVI
English translation by Walter C. A. Ker
Italian translation by Holden Caulfield

Paul Klee, Hexen scene (Witch scene), 1921. Credit: WikiArt.

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