Sunday, April 2, 2023

East of West

翟墨 (Zhái Mò) – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
First China Women’s Chess Open Finals 2022; Quarterfinal match game 4; time control: 15 minutes plus 5 seconds per move; 深圳 (Shēnzhèn), March 31, 2023
8/5N2/ppbR4/3n1k2/P4p2/BP3P1K/2r3P1/8 b - - 5 41

Position after 41. Rh6-d6

Black has sacrificed a Pawn for the initiative, with King, Bishop, Knight, and Rook cooperating in unison to carry out threats against the White King:
41. ... Ne3! Dark clouds gather over the crown of His Majesty.
42. Nd8? Safer was 42. Nh6+ Kg5 43. Nf7+ calling for a draw.
42. ... Bd5!

43. Rxb6?? Harakiri! There was nothing better than 43. Rd7 Bxb3!∓ (43. ... Rxg2?? fails to 44. Rxd5+!).
43. ... Rxg2 44. Nc6 Rg3+ 45. Kh2 Or 45. Kh4 Ng2+ 46. Kh5 Rh3#.
45. ... Nf1+ 0–1. Mate follows after 46. Kh1 Bxf3#.

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