Just a flipped classroom without students. Photo: Giovanni Lucci.
Friday, February 28, 2014
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Davide Arcuti – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
6-board clock simultaneous exhibition; Zürich, February 1, 2014
English Opening A31
6-board clock simultaneous exhibition; Zürich, February 1, 2014
English Opening A31
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. Nf3 cxd4 4. Nxd4 b6 5. Nc3 Bb7 6. f3 e6 7. e4 d6 8.
Be3 a6 9. Be2 Be7 10. 0-0 0-0 11. Qc2 Nbd7 12. Rac1 Rc8 13. Qb1 Re8 14. f4
Qc7 15. b3 Qb8 16. Bf3 Bf8
17. g4? (17. a4 Qa8)
17. ... e5! 18. g5 exd4 19. Bxd4 Nxe4 20. Bxe4 (20. Nxe4 d5)
20. ... Bxe4 21. Nxe4
17. ... e5! 18. g5 exd4 19. Bxd4 Nxe4 20. Bxe4 (20. Nxe4 d5)
20. ... Bxe4 21. Nxe4
21. ... d5 22. Ng3 dxc4 23. bxc4 Qd6 24. Qb2 Qe6 25. f5 Qc6 26. Qg2
Qd6 27. Bb2 Ne5 28. Bxe5 Qxe5 29. Kh1 g6 30. fxg6 hxg6 31. Qb7 Qc7 32. Qxc7
33. Rf6 Bc5 34. h4 Bd4 35. Rf3 b5 36. Rd3 Ba7 37. Rdc3 Rec8 38. Ra3
Rxc4 39. Rxc4 Rxc4 40. Rxa6 Rxh4+ 41. Kg2 Be3 42. Ra8+ Kg7 43. Rb8 Rb4 44.
a4 Rxa4 45. Rxb5 Rg4 46. Kf3 Rxg5 47. Rb7 Bd4 48. Kf4 Ra5 49. Ne4 Be5+ 50.
Kf3 Ra3+ 51. Kg4 Ra6 52. Ng5 Rf6 53. Rd7 Rf4+ 54. Kh3 Kf8 55. Ra7 Rf5 56.
Kg4 Bd4 57. Ra8+ Kg7 58. Rb8 Be3 59. Nf3 Rf4+ 60. Kg3 Ra4 61. Rc8 Bf4+ 62.
Kf2 g5 0 : 1.
Best not to hug a hedgehog. Photo: Roland Pupp.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Dragon Girl
Aurelien Pomini – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
6-board clock simultaneous exhibition; Zürich, February 1, 2014
Sicilian Defence B70
6-board clock simultaneous exhibition; Zürich, February 1, 2014
Sicilian Defence B70
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Bc4 Bg7 7. 0-0 0-0
8. Re1 Nc6 9. Bb3 Bd7 10. Bg5 Rc8 11. Nxc6 Bxc6 12. Qd2 b5
13. Nd5 Bxd5 14.
exd5 a5 15. a3 (15. a4 b4)
15. ... Re8 16. c3 a4 17. Ba2 Qd7 18. Re3 Qf5 19. Rf3
15. ... Re8 16. c3 a4 17. Ba2 Qd7 18. Re3 Qf5 19. Rf3
19. ... Ne4 20. Qe3
Qxg5 21. Qxe4 Qd2
22. Qb1 Bh6 (22. ... b4! 23. Rd3 bxc3! 24. Rxd2 cxd2 25. Qf1 Bxb2 26. Rd1 Rc1 27. Qe2 Rxd1+ 28. Qxd1 Rc8 29. Qxd2 Rc1+ 30. Qxc1 Bxc1=)
23. Kf1 Rc7 24. Rd3 Qf4 25. g3 Qf6 26. Qe1 Qf5 27. Rd4 Bg7 28. Rb4 Qd7 29. Qe2 Rc5 30. Re1 Bf6 31. Qd3 Kg7 32. Rbe4 Qf5 33. Kg2 h5 34. Qf3 Qd7 35. h3 Rh8 36. Qe2 Rc7 37. Rb4 Rd8 38. Qd3 Rc5 39. Rbe4 Rc7 40. Rb4 Rc5 41. Rbe4 Rc7 ½ : ½.
23. Kf1 Rc7 24. Rd3 Qf4 25. g3 Qf6 26. Qe1 Qf5 27. Rd4 Bg7 28. Rb4 Qd7 29. Qe2 Rc5 30. Re1 Bf6 31. Qd3 Kg7 32. Rbe4 Qf5 33. Kg2 h5 34. Qf3 Qd7 35. h3 Rh8 36. Qe2 Rc7 37. Rb4 Rd8 38. Qd3 Rc5 39. Rbe4 Rc7 40. Rb4 Rc5 41. Rbe4 Rc7 ½ : ½.
This was the only draw in the simul. Photo: Roland Rupp.
Mauro Berni ci informa di due partite di Clarice Benini, pubblicate sulla Revista Română de Șah (n. 1, 1950, pp. 9-11), e commentate rispettivamente dai Grandi Maestri sovietici Salo Flohr e Vjačeslav Vasil’evič Ragozin.
- Ljudmila Vladimirovna Rudenko vs. Clarice Benini (Mosca, 12 gennaio 1950).
- Chantal Chaudé de Silans vs. Clarice Benini (Mosca, 26 dicembre 1949).
The Anonymous Venetian
侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) posing for a picture with an admirer of hers in Venice, Italy, Febary 3, 2014. |
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Creative accounting
香港 (Hong Kong), February 26, 2014. Women’s World Chess Champion 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) – seated at centre – surrounded by officials of the 中國銀行(香港) Bank of China (Hong Kong). Photo: 張偉民 (Zhāng Wěimín).
侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
Foto: 袁志豪 (Yuán Zhì Háo)
Foto: 袁志豪 (Yuán Zhì Háo)
侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) and Simone De Filomeno are pictured after the conclusion of their Youth Friendly Match at Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna” in Florence, Italy, on Sunday, February 9, 2014. Photo: Gianna Cheli. |
海伦和帕里斯 (Paris and Helen)
侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) and Simone De Filomeno playing the second (and last) game of their Youth Friendly Match at Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna” in Florence, Italy, on Sunday, February 9, 2014. Photo: Gianna Cheli.
La Boum
Florence, Italy, Saturday, February 8, 2014 在 Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”.
Pictured from left: Letizia Rogai, Serena Vinci, Arianna Settembrini, 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán), Chiara Ciocia Vida, Sophia Menconi, and Federica Corri. Photo: Gianna Cheli.
一见钟情在热那亚 (Coup de foudre a Genova)
Genoa, Italy, February 5, 2014: 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) and Alan Rodríguez Álvarez (Peru). Photo courtesy of Alan Rodríguez Álvarez. |
Conversando in Italiano
Simone De Filomeno – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
2ª del match; Firenze, domenica 9 febbraio 2014
Difesa Ovest-Indiana E17
Note del Maestro Internazionale Simone De Filomeno.
2ª del match; Firenze, domenica 9 febbraio 2014
Difesa Ovest-Indiana E17
Note del Maestro Internazionale Simone De Filomeno.
Premetto che le varianti di analisi lunghe sono frutto del computer, delle
quali in partita ne avevo solo intravisto la possibilità. 1. d4 Cf6 2. c4 e6
3. Cf3 b6 4. g3 Ab7 5. Ag2 Ae7 6. 0-0 0-0 7. d5 exd5 8. Ch4 c6 9. cxd5 Cxd5 10.
Cf5 Cc7 11. Cc3 d5 12. e4 Af6 13. Af4. La più giocata è 13. exd5. 13.
... Ac8. 13. ... d4!? porta a delle complicazioni; ad esempio: 14. e5 dxc3
15. Dg4 Ac8 16. exf6 Dxf6 17. Dxg7+ Dxg7 18. Cxg7 cxb2 19. Tab1 Cd5 20. Ch5
Cxf4 21. Cxf4 Ab7 22. Txb2 Ca6=. 14. Tc1 Axc3. 14. ... Cba6 sembra
essere più precisa. 15. bxc3. 15. Txc3!? A differenza di 15. bxc3 il
Bianco non ha una spinta di rottura per aprire il centro, ma in compenso attiva
la Torre e grazie a temi tattici su c6 rende scomodo lo sviluppo del Cb8. 15.
... Axf5 16. exf5 Cb5 (16. ... Ce8!?⩲) 17. Tc1 Df6 18.
Te1⩲; ad esempio su 18. ... Cd7? segue (18. ... Dxf5?? perde un
pezzo: 19. a4) segue 19. Txc6! Dxc6 20. Axd5±. 15. ... Axf5 16. exf5 Cba6
17. c4 Df6 18. cxd5 Cxd5 19. Txc6 Dxc6 20. Axd5 Df6 21. Axa8 Txa8 22. Df3
23. Da3⩲. Il modo più sicuro di prendere a7. 23. Db7 Cb4
24. Dxa7 Cd5=. 23. ... Cc5 (23. ... b5?? 24. Ad6) 24. Dxa7 Cd3 25.
Ae3 Dxf5 26. Dxb6 Ce5 27. Db7 h5. 27. ... g5? 28. Td1 (28. f4) 28. ... g4
29. Dd5 Cf3+ 30. Rg2⩲. 28. h4. Su 28. a4 dopo 28. ... h4
l’attacco del Nero, nonostante i pochi pezzi, diventa estremamente
pericoloso; ad esempio: 29. a5? l’iniziativa del Nero risulta
improvvisamente travolgente dopo 29. ... Cf3+ 30. Rg2 (30. Rh1?? Dh3) 30. ...
h3+ 31. Rh1 Dd3 32. Ta1 Ce5 33. a6 (33. Ab6 Dc3 34. Td1 Cc6) 33. ... Td8 34. f4
[34. Tg1 Cg4 (34. ... Dd1 35. Da8) 35. Ab6 (35. a7 Dxe3; 35. Df3 Cxf2+ 36. Dxf2
De4+) 35. ... De2 (De2xf2 imparabile) 36. a7 Dxf2] 34. ... Cg4 35. Df3 Dc2 36.
Ag1 Td2. 28. ... Te8 29. Rg2. Impedisce ... Ce5-f3+ e ... Te8-e4; ad
esempio: su 29. a4 Cf3+ 30. Rg2 Te4=. 29. ... Dc2
Dd5. Il motore propone 30. Db5 De4+ 31. f3 Da8 32. Ad4 Cc6 (32. ... Dxa2+?!
33. Tf2 De6 34. Te2 f6 35. f4 Td8 36. Axe5 fxe5 37. Dxe5⩲) 33.
Ac3 Dxa2+ (33. ... Te3? 34. Axg7) 34. Tf2 De6 35. Dxh5⩲. 30.
... Cg4 31. Ad4 Dd2 32. Dc6 Td8 33. Ab6 Td6 34. Dc8+ Rh7 35. Df5+ Rg8 36.
Dc8+. 36. Dxh5 De2 37. Dg5 f6 38. Dc5 De4+ 39. Rg1 Td3 40. Dc8+ Rh7 41. a4
Ce5 42. Tc1 Cf3+ 43. Rf1 Cd2+ 44. Rg1 Cf3+=. Era possibile continuare con 36.
Dc5⩲. 36. ... Rh7 37. Df5+ Rg8 38. Dc8+ ½ : ½.
Les nuages, c’est quoi?
René Magritte, Le Genre Nocturne, 1928. Photo: Damian Griffiths/© ADAGP/DACS.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Postage-free postcard
Venice, Italy, February 3, 2014. From left: Fernando, Simone, 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán), Antonio Rosino, 林丽丽 (Lín Lìlì), Lorenzo, and 侯雪健 (Hóu Xuějiàn). |
前傳 (Prequel)
October 10, 2013
Ciao Miss Hóu Yìfán,
I was only joking... So, “relieving the suspense”, I offer to you [omissis] for the two games, plus everything you will need for your Italian holiday (hotel, air tickets from and to Zurich, etc.). Furthemore, if you desire, you can attend the dance classes of Alessandra’s school whenever you like. Perhaps, it will be possible to find some extra money from a local sponsor, but as a matter of principle I’m not used to accept anything from people and organizations that I don’t like, as for instance KTV China and/or Italian [omissis] Federation. So, at the moment, I can only rely on myself. If things were to change for better, I would be happy to raise your honorary to [omissis] and more, who knows... I hope so! Do not apologize for your English: it’s much better than my Chinese! I await your instructions. All the best! |
Some Say No
“Bobby Fischer, a 21-year-old U.S. chess champion from Brooklyn, plays against 50 opponents simultaneously in April 1964 at the Knickerbocker Hotel in Hollywood. Fischer won 47 games, lost one and drew two”. (Los Angeles Times, 8 ottobre 2012).
Heart and Hand
侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) – André Meylan
6-board clock simultaneous exhibition; Zürich, February 1, 2014
Tarrasch Defence D30
6-board clock simultaneous exhibition; Zürich, February 1, 2014
Tarrasch Defence D30
1. b3 Nf6 2. Bb2 e6 3. e3 b6 4. Nf3 Bb7 5. d4 d5 6. Bd3 Bd6 7. 0-0 0-0 8.
c4 c5 9. Nc3
9. ... a6. Finally Black breaks the symmetry. However, there was nothing wrong with 9. ... Nc6: 10. Qe2 cxd4 11. exd4 Nh5 12. g3 Nf6 13. Rad1 Rc8 14. Nb5 Bb8= Janowski – Rosenthal, Rice Memorial Chess Tournament, New York 1916.
10. dxc5 Bxc5. Black might also have aimed at a position with hanging Pawns: 10. ... bxc5 11. cxd5 exd5 12. Rc1 Qe7 with dynamic equality.
11. cxd5 Nxd5 12. Qe2 Nxc3 13. Bxc3 Bxf3 14. gxf3 Qh4
10. dxc5 Bxc5. Black might also have aimed at a position with hanging Pawns: 10. ... bxc5 11. cxd5 exd5 12. Rc1 Qe7 with dynamic equality.
11. cxd5 Nxd5 12. Qe2 Nxc3 13. Bxc3 Bxf3 14. gxf3 Qh4
15. Kh1! It clears the g-file for the Rook.
15. ... Be7 16. Rac1 Bf6? This allows the White Rook to invade. Better first 16. ... Ra7! and if 17. Rg1 then 17. ... Bf6 with sufficient defence.
17. Bxf6 Qxf6 18. Rc7 (Δ Bd3-e4)
18. ... Qe5?
15. ... Be7 16. Rac1 Bf6? This allows the White Rook to invade. Better first 16. ... Ra7! and if 17. Rg1 then 17. ... Bf6 with sufficient defence.
17. Bxf6 Qxf6 18. Rc7 (Δ Bd3-e4)
18. ... Qe5?
19. Qc2! Threatening both Bd3-e4 and Bd3xh7+.
19. ... f5 20. Rd1 Rd8 21. Rc8 Nd7 22. Rxd8+ Rxd8 23. Bxa6 (Δ Rd1xd7)
23. ... Qb8 24. Qd2. The pin on the d-file simply wins material by force.
24. ... Qa8 25. Be2. White avoids any complications.
25. ... Kf7 26. Kg2 Qc6 27. a4 Ke7 28. Bb5 Qc7 29. Qb4+. Of course the King and Pawn ending is also won for White, but 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) goes on a big hunt.
29. ... Nc5 30. Qh4+ 1 : 0.
19. ... f5 20. Rd1 Rd8 21. Rc8 Nd7 22. Rxd8+ Rxd8 23. Bxa6 (Δ Rd1xd7)
23. ... Qb8 24. Qd2. The pin on the d-file simply wins material by force.
24. ... Qa8 25. Be2. White avoids any complications.
25. ... Kf7 26. Kg2 Qc6 27. a4 Ke7 28. Bb5 Qc7 29. Qb4+. Of course the King and Pawn ending is also won for White, but 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) goes on a big hunt.
29. ... Nc5 30. Qh4+ 1 : 0.
A kind and heavy hand. Photo: Roland Rupp.
Monday, February 24, 2014
线面 (Xiàn miàn)
Ladro #1: Siamo un tris, muoviamoci.
Grumpy: E basta? Siamo solo in tre?
Ladro #1: Più due sul tetto. Una fetta per uno. Cinque sono già troppi.
Grumpy: Sei. Manca l’ideatore del colpo.
Ladro #1: Pensa di starsene alla larga e prendersi una parte. Ho capito perché lo chiamano Joker.
In ordine di apparizione: Ladro #1 <-> 尤利烏斯·凱撒 (Giulio Cesare)Grumpy <-> 布鲁托 (Pluto)Ladro #3 <-> 卡利古拉 (Caligola)Ladro #4 <-> 切萨雷·博基亚 (Cesare Borgia)Ladro #5 <-> 黎塞留 (Richelieu)Joker <-> 马可·波罗 (Marco Polo) |
Sunday, February 23, 2014
永远年轻 (Forever Young)
Forever Young Bob Dylan May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young May you grow up to be righteous May you grow up to be true May you always know the truth And see the lights surrounding you May you always be courageous Stand upright and be strong May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young May your hands always be busy May your feet always be swift May you have a strong foundation When the winds of changes shift May your heart always be joyful May your song always be sung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young 永远年轻 鲍勃·迪伦 愿上帝永远保佑你 愿你的每个愿望都成真。 愿你们能互相帮助 愿你建造直到天上, 爬上每一级台阶 愿你永远年轻 永远年轻,永远年轻 愿你永远保持年轻 愿你成为有正义的人 愿你成为真诚的人 愿你永远追求真理 能看到光明围绕着你。 愿你永远勇敢,正直,坚强 愿你永远年轻 永远年轻,永远年轻 愿你永远保持年轻 愿你的双手永远充实 愿你的脚步永远轻盈 愿你有一个坚实的基础 当风转变 愿你的心永远快乐 愿你的歌声永远传唱 愿你永远年轻 永远年轻,永远年轻 愿你永远保持年轻 |
Traduzione di 唐利仿 (Táng Lìfǎng)
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Farewell to Winter
Caissa Hong Kong Chess Club
Sienna Avenue 99, Discovery Bay North Plaza, BMSE (map).
15/F, Well View Commercial Building, 10 Morrison Street, Sheung Wan.
MTR Exit A2, 5 minute walk (map).
Sienna Avenue 99, Discovery Bay North Plaza, BMSE (map).
15/F, Well View Commercial Building, 10 Morrison Street, Sheung Wan.
MTR Exit A2, 5 minute walk (map).
Friday, February 21, 2014
Centre Stage
Florence, Sunday, February 9, 2014 在 Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna”. Fom left: Sofia Nutini, Viola Rocchini, Chiara Angelini, 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán), Silvia Bertini, Olga Calamai, Francesca Ortenzi. Photo: 王茜 (Wáng Qiàn).
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
抽象化 (Astrazione)
Simone De Filomeno – 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán)
2ª del match; Firenze, domenica 9 febbraio 2014
Difesa Ovest-Indiana E17
Note del Maestro Internazionale Simone De Filomeno.
2ª del match; Firenze, domenica 9 febbraio 2014
Difesa Ovest-Indiana E17
Note del Maestro Internazionale Simone De Filomeno.
Premetto che le varianti di analisi lunghe sono frutto del computer, delle
quali in partita ne avevo solo intravisto la possibilità. 1. d4 Cf6 2. c4 e6
3. Cf3 b6 4. g3 Ab7 5. Ag2 Ae7 6. 0-0 0-0 7. d5 exd5 8. Ch4 c6 9. cxd5 Cxd5 10.
Cf5 Cc7 11. Cc3 d5 12. e4 Af6 13. Af4. La più giocata è 13. exd5. 13.
... Ac8. 13. ... d4!? porta a delle complicazioni; ad esempio: 14. e5 dxc3
15. Dg4 Ac8 16. exf6 Dxf6 17. Dxg7+ Dxg7 18. Cxg7 cxb2 19. Tab1 Cd5 20. Ch5
Cxf4 21. Cxf4 Ab7 22. Txb2 Ca6=. 14. Tc1 Axc3. 14. ... Cba6 sembra
essere più precisa. 15. bxc3. 15. Txc3!? A differenza di 15. bxc3 il
Bianco non ha una spinta di rottura per aprire il centro, ma in compenso attiva
la Torre e grazie a temi tattici su c6 rende scomodo lo sviluppo del Cb8. 15.
... Axf5 16. exf5 Cb5 (16. ... Ce8!?
) 17. Tc1 Df6 18.
; ad esempio su 18. ... Cd7? segue (18. ... Dxf5?? perde un
pezzo: 19. a4) segue 19. Txc6! Dxc6 20. Axd5±. 15. ... Axf5 16. exf5 Cba6
17. c4 Df6 18. cxd5 Cxd5 19. Txc6 Dxc6 20. Axd5 Df6 21. Axa8 Txa8 22. Df3
23. Da3
. Il modo più sicuro di prendere a7. 23. Db7 Cb4
24. Dxa7 Cd5=. 23. ... Cc5 (23. ... b5?? 24. Ad6) 24. Dxa7 Cd3 25.
Ae3 Dxf5 26. Dxb6 Ce5 27. Db7 h5. 27. ... g5? 28. Td1 (28. f4) 28. ... g4
29. Dd5 Cf3+ 30. Rg2+/=
. 28. h4. Su 28. a4 dopo 28. ... h4
l’attacco del Nero, nonostante i pochi pezzi, diventa estremamente
pericoloso; ad esempio: 29. a5? l’iniziativa del Nero risulta
improvvisamente travolgente dopo 29. ... Cf3+ 30. Rg2 (30. Rh1?? Dh3) 30. ...
h3+ 31. Rh1 Dd3 32. Ta1 Ce5 33. a6 (33. Ab6 Dc3 34. Td1 Cc6) 33. ... Td8 34. f4
[34. Tg1 Cg4 (34. ... Dd1 35. Da8) 35. Ab6 (35. a7 Dxe3; 35. Df3 Cxf2+ 36. Dxf2
De4+) 35. ... De2 (De2xf2 imparabile) 36. a7 Dxf2] 34. ... Cg4 35. Df3 Dc2 36.
Ag1 Td2. 28. ... Te8 29. Rg2. Impedisce ... Ce5-f3+ e ... Te8-e4; ad
esempio: su 29. a4 Cf3+ 30. Rg2 Te4=. 29. ... Dc2
Dd5. Il motore propone 30. Db5 De4+ 31. f3 Da8 32. Ad4 Cc6 (32. ... Dxa2+?!
33. Tf2 De6 34. Te2 f6 35. f4 Td8 36. Axe5 fxe5 37. Dxe5
) 33.
Ac3 Dxa2+ (33. ... Te3? 34. Axg7) 34. Tf2 De6 35. Dxh5+/=
. 30.
... Cg4 31. Ad4 Dd2 32. Dc6 Td8 33. Ab6 Td6 34. Dc8+ Rh7 35. Df5+ Rg8 36.
Dc8+. 36. Dxh5 De2 37. Dg5 f6 38. Dc5 De4+ 39. Rg1 Td3 40. Dc8+ Rh7 41. a4
Ce5 42. Tc1 Cf3+ 43. Rf1 Cd2+ 44. Rg1 Cf3+=. Era possibile continuare con 36.
. 36. ... Rh7 37. Df5+ Rg8 38. Dc8+ ½ : ½.The Far Horizons
Bobby Fischer, Always Reading, Grossinger’s Resort, New York, 1972.
Photograph by Harry Benson CBE, World Chess Hall of Fame Exhibit
Photograph by Harry Benson CBE, World Chess Hall of Fame Exhibit
Hands, Grossinger’s Resort, New York, 1972
Photograph by Harry Benson CBE, World Chess Hall of Fame Exhibit
Photograph by Harry Benson CBE, World Chess Hall of Fame Exhibit
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Forever Young
Forever Young Bob Dylan May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young May you grow up to be righteous May you grow up to be true May you always know the truth And see the lights surrounding you May you always be courageous Stand upright and be strong May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young May your hands always be busy May your feet always be swift May you have a strong foundation When the winds of changes shift May your heart always be joyful May your song always be sung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young |
When one door closes another opens
Fēngxiàng zhuǎnbiàn shí, yǒurén zhú qiáng, yǒu rénzào fēngchē.
When the wind of change blows, some build walls, while others build windmills.
Fēngxiàng zhuǎnbiàn shí, yǒurén zhú qiáng, yǒu rénzào fēngchē.
When the wind of change blows, some build walls, while others build windmills.
Monday, February 17, 2014
贡多拉 (Gondola)
Venice, Italy, February 3, 2014. From left: Antonio Rosino, 侯逸凡 (Hóu Yìfán) and Fernando. Photo: 王茜 (Wáng Qiàn).
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